Thursday, July 29, 2010

We had our last dinner party, made our last toast, turned in all the internet/phone/cable boxes, cleaned the carpets, left the keys on the counter and locked the door behind us. We are now officially homeless. Our forwarding address is a PO Box #, our phone # and email address for the past 13 years are disconnected, we filled and locked the storage units.
Now we hangout with friends, go to Camp Damp, hang out with friends some more, hope for dryer weather and in about 2 weeks drive off with the car loaded for camping.
Who knows which of our friends will be blessed with our visits as we head ontothefuture?

Friday, July 23, 2010

Learnings for the day, July 23...

Several important learnings today:
1. Our stuff does fit into the storage unit.
2. Carrying my chair around is the pits since we only have 2.
3. It's easy to find things because we don't have much to look through.
4. It is great having the high temperature today of 66. And it was sunny!
5. The next week will be devoted to emptying the freezer and liquor cabinet.....Oh well,
Alison is off to Vancouver next week. I'll meet her in Juneau for Camp Damp Aug. 6-8. Then ontothefuture, maybe via the Denali Highway if the weather looks promising. It's a great view of fantastic glacial geology. Firm date is Tok Alaska on August 20.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

We had a very successful sale on Thursday and as promised, all the unsold things are packed for the Salvation Army pickup on Wednesday. We also sold the futon, 2 large craft tables and two paintings. So the proceeds for the week were VERY good. Why go to work? Also the car has been check over and given the ok after only an oil change.
Alison is busily making storage bags with velcro closures for our road trip. Only 18 days until we are homeless. Looking forward to it! ON TO THE FUTURE!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Another day before we move....

We here we are again packing boxes. Today we are also getting ready for our wine and desert 'garage sale' party to happen Thursday evening. Lots of items for sale. What is not bought will NOT go into storage. It WILL go to Value Village. SO....if you miss the event on Thursday, go to VV and pick through the remainders. We are down to 3 weeks until we will be HOMELESS. Hope there are enough of y'all home owners and wanabee home owners to keep the economy going. We are counting on you to keep social security and the social programs afloat for us. But, empty boxes are calling so it's time to sign off.